Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST (FhG-ISST) is a German RTO which is part of Fraunhofer.
Based in Dortmund its main technical focus is architectures for complex and heterogeneous larger scale software systems and concepts and solutions for information logistics applications. Being a competent player in areas such as Data Engineering, Logistics-IT and Health-Telematics, the Fraunhofer ISST offers extensive knowledge about the conceptualization and implementation of ICT infrastructures related to Big Data in application domains such as Logistics and Health-care, data management, optimization of information supply, and process management. To optimize the information supply within Data Engineering, Logistics, and Healthcare, Fraunhofer ISST is working on methods of complex event processing, data mining and machine learning to reduce the increasing amount of information overload.

Where can you find us

Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST
Speicherstraße 6
44147 Dortmund