Architecting learning – linking market needs to education and training
EduSerPro is a Dutch cooperative that aims to improve education and training by providing services in the field of VET and higher education for both private and public institutions. Our experts have been offering these services to a regular clientele for more than 20 years. EduSerPro provides a wide range of educational services, from designing curricula to drafting exam specifications and from formulating learning outcomes to developing learning materials. One of our main areas of expertise is research methodology in particular in the educational field, which we bring to the table in EU-projects like Digital4sustainability, CyberHubs, ESSA and ARISA. We are actively involved in standardisation projects in the field of ICT at national, European and worldwide level.

Our contribution
Our Role in Digital4Sustainability
EduSerPro is involved in the project as the leader of WP2 and co-leader of WP3. WP2 is focused on defining occupational profiles, performing a needs analysis and developing a Digital Sustainability Skills Strategy. EduSerPro provides the first draft of current and emerging occupational profiles for the digital sustainability sector. This is the starting point for further study of the roles and skills needs.
EduSerPro designs the research methodology for this study, including guidelines and templates for the partners, using a multi-method approach consisting of a desk research, questionnaire, job vacancy analysis and expert panels. Then EduSerPro aggregates and analyses all the data collected and perform a gap analysis between the existing supply and the current and future demand. This gap analysis is a crucial element in determining how the Digital Sustainability Skills Strategy can successfully match future supply with future demand. EduSerPro develops the Needs Analysis report and the Digital Sustainability Skills Strategy through co-creation with the consortium. WP3 focuses on the design of curricula, accreditation criteria, certification framework and development of learning materials. Within WP3 EduSerPro leads the task related to the accreditation criteria and process for learning programmes, as well as the design of the educational profiles and curricula related to the urgent upskilling programmes in year 1 of the project.
Our commitment
Let’s do something great together!
We aim to enhance education and training by providing professional services that support education providers.
We offer our experience in translating market needs into actionable documents for education and training within this new and emerging field of digital sustainability. Critical and analytical, creative and honest, we strive for high quality and aim to meet current and changing needs of the market, while building as much as possible on relevant existing European frameworks and standards as well as regulations, policy and research.

Where can you find us

EduSerPro Stroveer 90 3032 GA Rotterdam The Netherlands